SPF-Danmark offers 7 and 30 kg weaners from production herds with either SPF-declared or unknown health status.
Good health is a prerequisite for fully utilising the pigs' genetic potential for high daily gain, high feed conversion ratio, high lean meat percentage and high meat quality, all of which are necessary for profitable pig production. The health status on receipt depends on the transport form chosen by the buyer.
No matter whether production is based on AI/AO, WTF, multi-site or standard systems, SPF-Danmark's sales consultants will be able to locate the best supplier herds.
Our breeding programme focuses on genetic progress in such quality parameters as uniformity and weight, traits which can maximise profitability.
7 kg pigs
cf. EU's Transport Regulation
Pig circle contracts
SPF-Danmark will be pleased to arrange a meeting between a Danish weaner supplier and a foreign buyer if required.