SPF-Company quotations, Week 41

Weaners 7 kg

Estimated Quotation This Week Last Week
Base 244.96 DKK 244.96 DKK
Indicative price: (+/-for quantity size, health and quality, etc.)
This Week Last Week
Kg-adjustment 0-7 kg 7-9 kg 9-12 kg
DKK per kg 14.98 DKK 11.98 DKK 10.18 DKK
Quotation Committee has chosen Danish Crown's listing as calculation basis.
German quotation (8 kgs) This Week Last Week

Weaners 30 kg

Estimated Quotation This Week Last Week
Base 428.78 DKK 428.78 DKK
Indicative price: (+/-for quantity size, health and quality, etc.)
This Week Last Week
SPF-Danmark PRRS Negativ 525.00 DKK 525.00 DKK
SPF-Danmark PRRS Positiv 495.00 DKK 495.00 DKK
SPF-Danmark Conventional 470.00 DKK 470.00 DKK
Kg-adjustment 12-25 kg 25-30 kg 30-50 kg
DKK per kg 7.49 DKK 6.39 DKK 6.18 DKK
Quotation Committee has chosen Danish Crown's listing as calculation basis.
German quotation (25 kgs) This Week Last Week